English version below
Touchless_ Investigaciones obscenas en tiempos de pandemia_ Proyecto Obs-cenus. De la conciencia de la imposibilidad de tocar, durante el confinamiento de la primavera 2020, surgió en nosotras un deseo profundo y arrollador de acariciar.
De este deseo nace Touchless: una serie de pequeñas piezas poético audiovisuales.
Vídeocreación_ Monika Rühle @monika.ruhle, Espacio Sonoro_ Vicky Trillo @barralluire, Texto_ Anna Albaladejo @annaalbaladejo_, Producción_ La Casa Colorada, www.lacasacolorada.org, proyectoobscenus@gmail.com
Monika Rühle, Vicky Trillo y Anna Albaladejo que ya han colaborado en varias piezas escénicas y audiovisuales, se conmueven ahora ante nuevas preguntas: ¿Es posible la caricia, el abrazo en la distancia? ¿Cómo alimentar el conocimiento afectivo sin la experiencia del contacto físico? ¿Puede el arte alimentar nuestra epidermis?
Touchless se plantea como una video-instalación dedicada a estimular el sentido del tacto precisamente en la ausencia de este. A través de imágenes, sonidos y textos se trata de generar una experiencia sensorial, a veces metafórica otras metonímica, que pueda provocar en el espectador una caricia simbólica, una puesta en valor del contacto humano, de las relaciones interpersonales y el calor de sentirse rodeada de otras pieles que viven, sufren y desean cerca de nosotras.
El espacio sonoro de touchless conecta los vídeos con nuestra memoria emocional y sensorial, acompañando a la inmersión en nuestro subconsciente, y nuestra corporeidad. Cosquilleando nuestro cerebro y sentidos en un viaje sónico a nuestro ser más primitivo y esencial.
Monika Rühle _generadora de vídeos y performer, es de origen alemán, crea vídeo arte, documentales, performances, además de vídeo-escena, figurines y escenografías para teatro. Estudió Bellas Artes en Granada y Barcelona, escenografía (RESAD), diseño gráfico (TAI), edición y postproducción de vídeo (Imefe), cine documental (HDM El Submarino) y mapping (Mademotion) en Madrid, donde reside. Sus vídeos han sido emitidos en Metrópolis de TVE y proyectados en teatros, exposiciones y festivales de de arte y de cine. Su documental Diversos Lorcas que visibiliza una creación teatral con personas con discapacidad intelectual, recibió el segundo premio en el Festival Internacional de Cine FECIDISCOVI 2018. Fue seleccionada para los VII Encuentros de Creación en la Magdalena de la Red de Teatros Alternativos, donde conoció a Anna y Vicky. Monika dirige La Casa Colorada Producciones y trabaja habitualmente con el grupo teatral Contando Hormigas, que está formado por deficientes visuales, en 2018 dirigió con ellas Sibyla, que se representó en el Museo Reina Sofía y varios festivales. Monika ha acompañado plásticamente a creadores teatrales como Anna Mezz, Javier Yagüe, Ignacio Calvache, Laura Suárez, Oscar Villegas, Jesús Barranco, Fernando Soto, Claudio di Girólamo, Alberto Jiménez y Álvaro Lavín. Participa en las asociaciones EmPoderArte, Encuentros Artísticos Rurales EAR, La Casa Colorada, Mademotion, Extinction Rebellion y AVAM. www.lacasacolorada.org
English version:
Videocreation_ Monika Rühle @ monika.ruhle, Sound space_ Vicky Trillo @barralluire, Text_ Anna Albaladejo @annaalbaladejo_, Production_ La Casa Colorada, www.lacasacolorada.org, projectobscenus@gmail.com
Touchless is proposed as a video-installation dedicated to stimulate the sense of touch precisely in the absence of it. Through images, sounds and texts, the aim is to generate a sensory experience, sometimes metaphorical at other times metonymic, that can provoke a symbolic caress in the viewer, an enhancement of human contact, interpersonal relationships and the warmth of feeling surrounded of other skins that live, suffer and desire close to us.
The touchless sound space connects the videos with our emotional and sensory memory, accompanying the immersion in our subconscious, and our corporeity. Tickling our brain and senses on a sonic journey to our most primitive and essential being.
The textual and sound landscape of touchless accompanies the enveloping proposal through short texts that reflect on the act of playing from different perspectives and style codes (from the scientific objectivity of quantum physics to the intimacy of poetry and affections). But beyond conceptual reflection, we care about the word in its physicality, in its ability to open pores, which is why the sound montage takes on special importance where the superposition of layers, atmospheres, repetitions, rhythms and silences deals in turn to emulate the heat of contact.
First presentation of Touchless at Espacio Inestable in Valencia at march 25-28, 2021.
Monika Rühle _video creator and performer, is of German origin, she creates video art, documentaries, performances, as well as video-scenes, costumes and scenography for theater. She studied Fine Arts in Granada and Barcelona, scenography (RESAD), graphic design (TAI), video editing and post-production (Imefe), documentary film (HDM El Submarino) and mapping (Mademotion) in Madrid, where she resides. Her videos have been broadcasted in Metropolis of TVE and screened in theaters, exhibitions and art and film festivals. Her documentary Diversos Lorcas, which makes visible a theatrical creation with people with intellectual disabilities, received second prize at the 2018 FECIDISCOVI International Film Festival. She was selected for the VII Creation Meetings in La Magdalena of the Alternative Theaters Network, where she met Anna and Vicky. Monika directs La Casa Colorada Producciones and works regularly with the theatrical group Contando Hormigas, which is made up of visually impaired, in 2018 she directed Sibyla with them, which was performed at the Reina Sofía Museum and various festivals. Monika participates at the exhibitions and events of several asociations as the international female art group EmPoderArte, Encuentros Artísticos Rurales EAR, Mademotion, AVAM and Extinction Rebellion. www.lacasacolorada.org
Vicky Trillo _generator of sound spaces and performer, is a singer, composer, performer and creator of sound environments, whose beginnings are outlined within blues, jazz, funk and soul. Since 2005 she has been researching composition processes based on improvisation for performing arts and audiovisual media. She has made works on soundscapes and as a performer with contemporary theater and dance directors such as Anna Albaladejo, Gabriel Ochoa, Natalia Fernandes, David Franch or Teatro de lo Inestable. In her latest project, her alter ego VickyLeaks, she seeks new forms of composition and writing, leading her to the decomposition of the musical structure based on the staff, where she seeks the essence and pure emotion that underlies musical expression. She has been a resident creator at the Creation Encounters in La Magdalena of the Alternative Theaters Network in 2017; resident at OMI International Arts Center (New York); and speaker at the Music Theater session at IETM Valencia Plenary Meeting. In 2013 he won the Open Music Award from the UNIA. http://www.vickyleaks.net/
Anna Albaladejo _text generator and performer, has a degree in Dramatic Art from ESAD (Valencia) and a PhD in Literature and Theater from the UV, for years she has combined the practical and theoretical facets between two geographies: Spain and Mexico. My latest artistic works are articulated around research projects: the Obs-cenus project that I started in 2018 as a double creation residence (Encuentros de la Magdalena in the Network of Alternative Theaters and Creation Residences of the TEM. Valencia City Council), exploration that has resulted in the pieces SLIT (premiere 2020 TEM) and Odet y las OTRAS (premiere 2019. Unstable), as well as numerous workshops and actions to explore pleasure as a space for resistance; the Pobles en peu d'art project, which since 2017 has tried to relate intimate memory with collective history and the exploration of the urban environment, in collective site-specific proposals in the districts of my city known as Pobles de València; or the Des del Barri space that from TEM (Valencia) delves into collaborative creation dramaturgies such as Temptatives d’un neighborhood that remembers (2018) winner of the Audience Award at the Cabanyal Intim Festival 2018, or Exercicis per la llibertat (2019). Previously, in my facet of scenic creation, my latest works have explored the Audiovisual and Scene relationship in pieces such as Y si hablaran de nosotr@s (2015) or Visite Piso Piloto (2012), in addition to the autobiographical investigation that has always accompanied me, in works such as Reset and Castañuela (2010-2011) or Gest-Acción. Fragments of a pregnancy (2007). Always interested in opening creation to participation, both by performers and spectators, and in the possibilities of the Expanded Scene and the Documentary Theater. http://annaalbaladejocreacioninvestigacion.blogspot.com/